Saturday, May 22, 2021
To the children of Robert (Bobby) Maddox, remember that he loved you all dearly and that
he will be missed. Remember that God is love and love is patient and kind. God is patient and kind toward you in your journey through this valley of the shadow of death. He is with you and will get you through this. The Bible says that trough all the seasons of our lives God will make everything beautiful, but beauty comes in God's time, and we sometimes don't see it until much farther on our journey. Believing that there will be joy may feel impossible right now but be patient with yourselves as your broken hearts grieve. God heart breaks with and he holding you. Your tears and grief honor your father;
they say his life mattered and you feel his absence deeper than words could ever express. Love and hold on to each other. Robert loved you all.
Sorry I could not be with you today!! God bless you all. Love you all!
Broken hearted!
Aunt Dot and Uncle Tom